Art / Design / Illustration

Inktober 2018 – Days 17 to 24

Only 7 more days left of Inktober 2018 and I can’t quite believe how quickly this month is flying by! Some of the trickiest prompts are yet to come and I’m already thinking up ideas for them before I get there. For now though, here are days 17 through 24.

Inktober 2018 Days 17 to 20

Inktober 2018: Day 17 (Swollen), Day 18 (Bottle), Day 19 (Scorched), Day 20 (Breakable)

Inktober 2018 Days 21 to 24

Inktober 2018: Day 21 (Drain), Day 22 (Expensive), Day 23 (Muddy), Day 24 (Chop)

I think my favourite drawing from this batch has got to be Day 21, Drain. It was just begging for me to draw something inspired by Stephen King’s It. This one was also a bit of a challenge for me. Why? One word. Water. I hate water. I dread painting it never mind trying to draw it with a pen which I can’t erase or cover up.


If you are interested in buying any of my Inktober drawings, you can do so via social media. All you have to do is make sure that you are following me on either Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or all three if you wish! When you see a drawing you’d like to buy:

  1. Leave a comment on the post or direct message me to let me know that you are interested.
  2. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can requesting your email (the one you use for PayPal) and your location.
  3. You’ll receive an invoice within 24-48 hours.
  4. I’ll post your drawing as soon as possible after I receive payment. Usually next day.

My Inktober drawings are £10 each plus postage, except Day 21. This one is for sale at a reduced price of £8 (plus postage) due to a mark on the paper. Each one has a paper size of 4 x 4 inches. The drawn image is around 2.5 inches square. All you receive is the drawing. There is no mount or frame.

P.S. Day 18 (Bottle), Day 21 (Drain) and Day 22 (Expensive) have sold.

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