Odds + Ends

13 Black Cats Designs: The Art of Nikki Cutro

Today is a sad day. Late last night I learnt that a fellow artist, friend, and cat lover, had lost everything to fire earlier in the day. Her house, her possessions, but the saddest thing of all, is that she has lost 7 of her 8 beloved cats.

Silent Stalker
Silent Stalker by 13BlackCatsDesigns (Nikki Cutro)

Although she lives on the other side of the planet in New Jersey, USA and I’ve never actually met Nikki Cutro in person, she is in my thoughts and I pray that more of her precious cats escaped.

Since first discovering Nikki I have always admired her art and by ‘twisted’ coincidence I actually started preparing this featured post about her yesterday. It is a shame that the feature comes on the back of such sad news.

Nikki’s beautiful tiger watercolour (seen above) was a piece that I instantly fell in love with. Not only was it one of my favourite big cats, it was also watercolour. A medium I quickly lose patience with. It’s hard to master watercolour and any watercolour artists are worth admiring in my book!

Autumn Nymph Harvest
Autumn Nymph Harvest by 13BlackCatsDesigns

If like me you have your head constantly in a fantasy world then I’m sure that you’ll love Nikki’s delicate paintings which would be right at home in a children’s book.

13 Lucky Black Cats
13 Lucky Black Cats by 13BlackCatsDesigns

Nikki also creates one-of-a-kind hand-painted jewellery and has even had one of her pieces attend the Golden Globes courtesy of American Actress Tess Hunt.

Hand-Painted Vineyard Nymph Necklace by Nikki Cutro

While looking through Nikki’s websites for artwork to feature I stumbled across one of her latest projects which I was unaware of, Meow Purr Hiss. A store full of “Silly Cat illustrations for the serious cat lover” on Zazzle.

Cool Cat Square Stickers sticker
Cool Cat by MeowPurrHiss (Nikki Cutro)
Ninja Kitty Button button
Ninja Kitty by MeowPurrHiss

I think these colourful cats are my new favourites! I hope you’ve enjoyed Nikki’s art and illustrations as much I do. If you are considering purchasing any of Nikki’s products or art in the near future I ask that you visit her Zazzle stores as I doubt she’ll be able to fulfil any jewellery or original artwork orders in the near future. Thank you.

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