Whitby Galleries

Sailor Cat Paintings and a Few House Cats

I have eight new cat paintings heading to Whitby Galleries this week. It’s quite a varied bunch as I had to include a few with nautical themes in to the mix. Specifically, sailor cat paintings, and cats in boats. I will apologise now for the poor photo quality. Yesterday was rather, shall we say, eventful.

My normal routine went completely out of the window thanks to having no electricity for the majority of the day. No computer, no printer, no scanner! You can imagine the mad dash to get everything sorted and packed when the power finally came back on and there were only 2 hours left until the post office closed!

Sailor Cat Paintings for Whitby Galleries

Sailor Cats and Seafaring Cats: …and she Sailed the Ocean Blue, Sailor Tom, First Mate,
and Turtle Bay

I’ve loved painting this order. That’s not to say I don’t love everything I paint because I do. One of my favourite poems when I was growing up was The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear. It’s still a firm favourite and I have a vintage 1850’s edition of one of Lear’s poem books. No owls in sight, but painting kitties in boats and wearing sailor outfits still reminded me of reading Lear as a child.

House Cat Paintings for Whitby Galleries

House Cat Paintings: Persephone, No Place for a Mouse, Luna’s Lamp, and Morning Brew

My other love, tuxedo kitties, is still very much alive and they’re making their presence known in my artwork again this month. I have managed to reign myself in and they only appear in half of the paintings. Cue sharp intake of breath! The rest are ginger tabbies, grey tabbies, all white cats, and a black cat for good measure.

If the nautical cats don’t float your boat, see what I did there, you may be more of a house cat person. The rest of the order is made up of cats, just being cats, around the home. My favorite is the grey tabby who has accidentally (on purpose judging by his face) gotten his toy mouse snagged in the prickly grip of a potted cactus.

Want to purchase one of my cat paintings?

This new set of paintings arrived at Whitby Galleries earlier today and will be ready for sale in the next few days. You can find them at 134-135 Church Street in Whitby, UK. Orders can be taken by phone or email and home delivery in the UK can be arranged.

Full list of paintings

  • …and She Sailed the Ocean Blue – SOLD
  • Sailor Tom – SOLD
  • First Mate – SOLD
  • Turtle Bay – SOLD
  • Persephone – SOLD
  • No Place for a Mouse – SOLD
  • Luna’s Lamp – SOLD
  • Morning Brew – SOLD

Please contact the galleries directly with any enquiries about these paintings. Each one will be beautifully mounted and framed by the gallery before going on sale and make a perfect gift for a cat mad loved one or yourself! The artwork itself measures approximately 5 x 5 inches and they are priced at £55 each.


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