ACEO & Art for Sale, Whitby Galleries

More Whimsical Cat Art at Whitby this Month!

Happy Thursday everyone! I think the title gives the purpose of this post away a little bit, but anyway, hot on the heels of the last order, another set of cute whimsical cat art is currently winging its way down to Whitby Galleries.

Last month’s set seemed to be another huge hit so I’ve been painting away for the past week in order to get stocks replenished. I think there were 6 left, which included a few Whitby themed ones and seaside ones so I haven’t included any in this order, but I do have plenty of kitties around the home!

Whimsical Cat Art - Whitby Galleries September 2016

Up first are a bunch of sleepy tuxedos (and a calico, can’t forget him) and a cat that likes to watch Great British Bake Off, or should I say, he likes to try and eat the cakes. I love the Bake Off so couldn’t resist sneaking a few cupcakes in. The sleepy tux with the cup of tea is basically a cat version of me for most of this week. I don’t have a nightcap though! Sad face.

Whimsical Cat Art - Whitby Galleries September 2016

Next up is a familiar feline friend who hasn’t made an appearance in quite a while. This is the 34th version of my infamous ‘A Cat’s Booty in a Cat Flap’ painting. It’s always been one of my favourites, but I never expected it to be this popular! He’s joined by a cream and chocolate kitty on a red rooftop looking out to sea, kind of inspired by Whitby with the cream houses, and a naughty sausage thief. Sausages? What sausages?

Whimsical Cat Art - Whitby Galleries September 2016

I love painting cats messing around in a bathroom so I had to paint another one this month featuring 3 furry bathroom invaders. From the bathroom to the bedroom and we have 2 sleepy kitties snuggled up in bed with their teddies but one just can’t sleep.

Finally, an orange tabby sits on the doorstep beside a freshly delivered bottle of milk. Think I must have been psychic with this one because the day after I painted it, a ginger cat just like this one was sat on the doorstep 5 doors down in the exact same position. No milk and a white door, but I’ll take it!


Like all of my orders for Whitby Galleries they can be bought by simply popping in store. If you can’t get but have seen a painting you like, they offer a handy delivery service to UK addresses. Orders can be taken by phone and home delivery can be arranged. As always, please contact the galleries directly with any enquiries about these paintings. Each one is fully framed and the artwork itself measures approximately 5″ x 5″. They should be arriving in store tomorrow (09 Sept 2016) but it may take a few more days before they are ready for sale as they have to be framed up first.

Have a great weekend and again, a huge thank you to everyone who has purchased my artwork from Whitby Galleries these past few months and over the years!


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