ACEO & Art for Sale, Whitby Galleries

10 New Whimsical Cat Illustrations arriving at Whitby Galleries this month!

Hope everyone is enjoying the gorgeous sunshine in the UK at the moment. As usual, I’ve been stuck inside for most of it painting the hours away working on 10 new whimsical cat illustrations for Whitby Galleries. It’s always fun thinking up something new and revisiting old themes. This month, I’ve added some Whitby themed paintings to the mix. Seemed only right seeing as they are in Whitby.

Whimsical Cat Illustrations at Whitby Galleries May 2016

There’s some familiar sights, I hope, including; the East Pier Lighthouse, Fortune’s Kipper shop, a sweet little donkey from the beach, and Whitby Abbey. You won’t see a scene exactly like the one I’ve painted at the actual Abbey. There is water, and there are gravestones, but not together like this. It’s a little darker then my usual stuff but hopefully someone will like it.

Whimsical Cat Illustrations at Whitby Galleries May 2016

My none Whitby themed illustrations are full of sleeping kitties, naughty kitties, and butter-wouldn’t-melt kitties! I love painting sleeping cats so there’s one with a tuxedo passed out on a pair of wellies, and a grey kitty snoozing on top of some books. Sinks and laziness are another favourite of mine so I’ve included an illustration of a tabby squeezed in to one, and also a ‘I really can’t be bothered to move’ lazy cat for good measure. He’s not in a sink but he is lazy!

Whimsical Cat Illustrations at Whitby Galleries May 2016

Last up are; a cheeky tuxedo cat fishing for gulls from his beach hut window using a rope and a tasty looking fish, and finally another tux (I like my tuxes) posing with another fish. This time it’s a goldfish who I’ve affectionately name Shoniqua!

Where and when can I buy these?

This new set of quirky kitties should be arriving at Whitby Galleries this weekend. As always, please contact the galleries directly with any enquiries about these paintings. Each one is fully framed and the artwork itself measures approximately 5″ x 5″.

Have a great weekend!

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