A Sneaky Peek at my New Online Shop
It’s been a while since I last posted anything new so I thought it about time that I did. So. What’s been happening? Well, the main project I’ve been working on is getting my new online shop up and running.

Those of you with a keen eye will have noticed that I already have a ‘shop section’ on my website. So what makes this new one different to the one I have? Well, my new shop will be split in to 2 sections. An area where you can view what products I have for sale at 3rd party websites (in a catalogue-style layout) and an area where you can buy products direct from me.

I’ve always wanted to be able sell my original art, illustrations, greeting cards, and other goodies, without using the likes of eBay and Etsy as a middle man, and very soon it will become a reality. I must say that I’m rather excited by it all.
I’ve still got what feels like a long way to go as I sort out my inventory and tweak the design but I’m hoping that it will all be sorted for sometime in May. There’ll be a grand opening sale too so don’t forget to keep an eye out for the launch date on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and right here!