General News

Winding Down for Christmas

Tux Cat & Snowman

Hi everyone! Christmas is almost upon us once again and I’ll begin winding down for the festive period very soon.

Starting Monday 17th December 2018 I will begin winding down. I still have gifts to buy for family and friends so I’ll probably be mostly shopping. However, I’ll still be around to fulfill any last minute orders from my Folksy store. I can’t promise any new art but there may be a few doodles and sketches for new ideas popping up on social media.

Starting Friday 21st December 2018 I will officially be on Festive Break. I’ll be popping in on social media from time to time but I’ll be mostly wrapped up like a burrito on the sofa, watching Christmas movies, and eating chocolate. I won’t be creating any new art but I’ll continue sketching any new ideas I might get while I’m watching Home Alone for the millionth time.

If I get any orders from my Folksy store during my break they will be shipped as normal. Just remember that the Post Office is closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Sundays, & New Year’s Day.

On Monday 7th January 2019 I will be back to work and raring to go after my break, probably! I’ll be back painting and creating new art although it might take me a few days to get back in to work mode. I’ll also still be writing the date as 2018 (not 2019) well in to February.

Commissions & Custom Artwork requests are currently closed for the Festive period. They will be re-opened on Monday 7th January, 2019.

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